What to read to the interface designer?

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What to read to the interface designer?

There is more and more literature on UI & UX design every day, but where to start? This question will be answered by experienced design experts.

Quite a lot of books on interface design have been translated into Russian. In English, the choice is generally sky-high – dozens of more or less interesting publications are published annually. But I usually recommend three for seed:

Steve Circle

Don’t make me think

The best material for beginners – short and very clear about how common sense helps in working on interfaces. Helps to understand what is the discipline of usability.
Design of familiar things
Donald Norman

Design of familiar things

Donald Norman

Excellently presented professional philosophy. How to look at human interaction with digital and conventional products. Helps to form the right attitude to work.

Alan Cooper on the interface. Fundamentals of interaction design

Interface Designer Bible. It describes the history of the discipline, methods and patterns, workflow and a whole bunch of other key things in our work. Helps to consolidate and deepen knowledge.

They reflect the three stages of a specialist’s maturity – awareness, correct attitudes and strong practical skills. And you can pump them with other books or a bunch of articles that are published every week. I try to read fundamental books, and I build up the “meat of knowledge” with articles – this avoids the water that most publications suffer from.